Sustainable building material for green building construction, conservation and refurbishing

Usman Aminu Umar - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Dr. Mohd Faris Khamidi - Qatar University, Hassan Tukur

Materials are the essential components of buildings construction. Chemical, physical and mechanical Properties of materials as well as an appropriate design are accountable of the building mechanical strength. The design of green buildings should thus begin with the selection and use of eco-friendly materials with related or better features than traditional building materials. Building materials are usually selected through functional, technical and financial requirements. However, with sustainability as a crucial issue in the last decades, the building sector, directly or indirectly causing a considerable portion of the annual environmental deterioration, can take up the obligation to contribute to sustainable development by finding more environmentally benign methods of construction and building. Among the directions for solutions is to be found in new material applications, recycling and reuse, sustainable production of products or use of green resources, Careful selection of eco-friendly sustainable building materials may be the fastest way for builders to start integrating sustainable design concepts in buildings. Ordinarily, price has been the primary consideration when comparing related materials or materials selected for similar purpose. Nevertheless, the price of a building element signifies just the manufacturing and transportation costs, not social or environmental costs. Substantial initiatives have been carried out by the research community globally, in order to discover alternative sustainable building materials and low technology techniques, which result in a more sustainable and affordable construction complying with the comfort standards required today. Embracing green building materials is a good alternative to meet to this objective. Therefore, Selection of construction materials that have minimum environmental burdens is useful in the sustainable development of a nation. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how sustainable building material can contribute to lessen the impact of environmental degradation, and generate healthy buildings which can be sustainable to the occupant as well as our environment.

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