Our 3 favorite Geoplast videos

Our 3 favorite Geoplast videos

Here are our 3 favorite Geoplast videos depicting a fast and easy setup of Aquabox, New Nautilus Evo, and Geopanel.

Punta Ala Equestrian Center, Italy
Aquabox helped build a high-capacity rainwater harvesting basin in only 7 days by 5 workers thanks to its lightweight modules and simple installation.

New Nautilus Evo
Mabela Mosque, Oman
New Nautilus Evo was used to reduce the self-weight of the roof slab by 30 %, permitting it to span 26 m with only a 60 cm height.

Naples Port Quai, Italy
Geopanel allowed a fast and intuitive manual construction of a 30 m pier in a confined space over water, reducing the use of machinery to a minimum.