How our Green and Water solutions together increase property value

Owners of private houses and investors of large-scale public buildings can profit from the implementation of green and water solutions, known as blue-green infrastructure. Our green and water solutions can be easily installed in any phase of the project, from conceptual design to adaptation of the existing building. Besides improving sustainability of the environment and urban resilience, a combination of green and water solutions provides long term cost-benefits for owners and investors.

A synergy of our green and water solutions provides higher insurance rates and better re-selling price of the property, by:

Geoplast offers solutions to enhance the permeability of green roofs, paved and grass areas. Our green solutions for permeable surfaces, combined with water solutions for rainwater reuse and sewage water disposal, save energy bills for water and improve the conservation of natural resources.

Contact us for more information on our products that improve project profitability:

Some of our projects with green and water solutions

Dell’Angelo Hospital, Venice, Italy
Hathaway House Redevelopment, London, UK
XX Settembre Square, Rovigo, Italy
Square of Miracles, Pisa, Italy
Marchesini Group Headquarters, Paris, France