Refurbish buildings with Geoplast products

Completa installation, Interspar supermarket, Bologna
Geotub installation, Kerisper Bridge, La Trinité-sur-Mer
Geocell installation, Observatory, Marana di Crespadoro

Refurbish buildings with Geoplast products.

Although reuse is one of the main principles of sustainable construction, existing buildings are not always easy to upgrade and often imply confined worksites where conventional solutions just can’t go.

Our innovations were designed for fast and easy manual installation, which makes them perfect for renovation projects. These could make your next refurbishment less complicated and more sustainably profitable:

Water management

Renovations often demand an increase in the capacity of the sewer infrastructure, which is already strained by recurring stormwater surges due to climate change. Unlike concrete options or gravel, our water solutions can easily adjust to any available space and serve as an addition to the existing systems by accumulating rainwater, gradually releasing it into the ground, or facilitating its harvesting and reuse.

Plastic formwork

Our plastic formwork is designed for manual handling, which is especially useful in confined spaces where the setup of mechanical equipment is difficult or impossible. This makes it irreplaceable for casting or repairing any structural element in congested city sites, building interiors, under the ground, even in water, with easy dismantling, reuse, and no waste left behind.

Green roofs and walls

Poor energy efficiency is one of the main reasons old buildings are being demolished. Our green roof and wall innovations can easily be installed onto the existing flat or sloped surfaces to improve the building’s insulation and lower energy consumption by 43 %. In addition to that, green city surfaces reduce heatwaves and retain water, which helps reduce urban heat islands and improve stormwater management.

Contact us to make your next refurbishment more sustainably profitable.