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Green roofs in desert areas webinar

Green roof benefits
– Green roof act like an external “live” barrier which isolate internal rooms of a building, from heating and cold.
– A 10 cm-thick soil layer is enough to control the heat penetration.
– Studies show that the green roof is more effective in a hotter and drier climate as urban heat temperature can be reduced more effectively.
– In Dhahran and Riyadh, the green roof can reduce the energy consumption by 6.7% and 6.8%, respectively.

Green roofs tips
– Choose a substrate which permit an high water condensation, such as cockles and stones, which are able to serve as a sink for nutrients in deserts areas, better than normal soil.
– Choose the right plant species: the ones which are able to resist at high temperature, drought, and high daily temperature range.
– This kind of solution doesn’t need deep substrate cause the roof of these species which are able to grow in less than 20 cm of soil (50–150mm thick) and a weight of 20 to 170 kg/m2.
– The maintenance of these green roofs is minimal, as it concern little weeding and few plants jobs.
– Geoplast COMPLETA furnished with Sedum could be a perfect a solution in case of extensive green roof.

Webinar is presented by Riccardo Cavallini, our Business Development Manager for Middle East and East Europe.

Register for the webinar or contact us for more information.

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