Floods, tragic events or preventable disasters?

Nowadays everybody can realize it: the world is changing and it is increasingly dangerous. Floods and mega-storms are the leading cause of natural disasters from 2000: rivers overflow, dragging along debris and human lives; extreme rain storms besiege our cities, threatening our houses. The invasive overbuilding of our world, choked by buildings and parking lots that limits its natural permeability, is among the main causes of this dramatic situation. More and more intense and frequent rains flows on impervious surfaces, as asphalt and concrete, to be dragged into already overloaded sewers that – sooner or later – collapse causing the calamities that the news inform us of: the recent floods in northern Afghanistan, the Balkans, south-west China, the dramatic disaster of Queensland in 2010…

Tragic events or preventable disasters?

Among the possible solutions to restore the water balance, GEOPLAST has focused on designing DRENING, an innovative and effective drainage system that favors the infiltration of rainwater into the soil, feeding the aquifers and reintroducing it in its natural cycle. DRENING is just one of the most innovative products that our company manufactures to contribute to environmental protection and to prevent the recurrence of similar disasters.
Because an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure.